Basic Home Watch Services
Our Basic Service Package Includes
- Verify that all doors and windows are properly secure to minimize chance of break-ins.
- Check for evidence of water leaks or damage and check for visual signs of mold and mildew.
- Visual inspection for signs of insects and or rodents.
- Check that A/C is cooling properly and reset thermostat and humidity settings if needed. I leave one of my temperature/humidity sensors in each home. By doing this, I can get a pretty accurate reading as soon as I enter your home.
- Run faucets, sink disposals, and flush & brush toilets.
- Check that main water valve is turned off after each inspection (we recommend this but, it is the clients choice whether to leave it “ON” or “OFF”).
- Check electric panel for tripped breakers and make sure electric water heater breaker is turned off.
- Visual inspection throughout property including lanai and garage.
- Walk exterior perimeter of single family homes to check lawn and landscape condition, pool condition, windows, doors & screening, look for signs of vandalism, etc.
- Our Electronic Home Watch Inspection Checklist Report will be completed during each home watch inspection.
- The Home Watch Inspection Checklist Report will be emailed to the owner upon completion of the report.
Pricing of Visits
We would prefer to have in person consultations at your home (with all decision makers present) before we give price quotes, so that we can give you the most accurate pricing possible. But, we also understand that in this day and age, most people want a general idea of cost, prior to committing to a meeting. We offer Home Watch services starting at $30 per visit, but our rates are based on your home type, size, frequency of visits and features. Set pricing will be determined once the property is viewed and will be based off of the client’s specific needs. If you have a specific need, please feel free to contact us so that we can discuss it in greater detail.
Electronic Reporting System
We use an Electronic Reporting System: A detailed Home Watch Inspection Report is completed during each inspection displaying the condition of your property along with the date and time the inspection was performed. All Home Watch Inspection Reports are completed electronically through an App which was built by Eisenberger Home Watch. You no longer need to guess if someone was actually at your home, the App we use, uses GPS mapping. You will know that we were actually at your property. Clients will be sent, by email, the reports completed at their Florida home.
Home Monitoring System
In addition to our Home Watch services, we suggest that our clients consider using a 24/7 home monitoring device. It’s called HouseSetter. HouseSetter will monitor the temperature, humidity, and power outages in your home while you are away. HouseSetter doesn’t run off of your Wi-Fi…it has a built in cellular device within it which means you don’t have to worry about your Wi-Fi going out and needing your modem to be reset. The device is called “Sherlock”. “Sherlock” looks like a guard dog and literally all you do is plug “Sherlock” in and he goes right to work for you! With HouseSetter, when the temperature or humidity levels go outside your preset settings or you have a power outage, you are immediately notified via a text message and email alert. Once you are alerted, you can then contact us (Eisenberger Home Watch) and we will visit your property to do an inspection of your home to look for the possible issue on your behalf. HouseSetter will be there monitoring your home in between my Home Watch visits. HouseSetter’s price is $120 for the “Sherlock” monitoring device and a nominal $5 to $8 per month monitoring fee (depending on the package you purchase). However, our Eisenberger Home Watch clients get special Preferred Partner pricing…all you have to do is ask!
If I check your home at 3:00 pm on Tuesday and (for example) your AC unit stops a 5:00 pm on that same day, Sherlock will notify you that there is now an issue that needs to be looked at. If your AC unit was not running for a week, that could be a major issue, that could have been prevented by Sherlock.